We bring to life Alexander Hamilton in a First Person Tour! 


"There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty, that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism."

~Alexander Hamilton

Tour Description:

The educational and entertaining "Eyes of Hamilton" two hour walking Tour is a unique and comprehensive historically authentic itinerary of sights where Hamilton lived and worked as a Youth from age seven to seventeen in Christiansted on St Croix. Alexander Hamilton himself, dressed in the style of the times, will present the tour in the first person. This tour makes "his Story" and Youth "come alive" on the 18th century historical streets of Christiansted. Christiansted blends vistas of neo- classical architecture with lovely natural setting of high hills and reef fringed harbor. This setting is like no other place in the Caribbean which still demonstrates the architectural, economic, and political influence of Europe of this time period. In telling the story one will also be transformed to old ways of life with all its elegance, complexity and contradiction in 1760's Christiansted. The tour will take you to the "places where it happened"; the difficult important places, events and influences of his childhood that he was able to overcome. Participants will come to realize the significance of the influence St Croix had for Hamilton's learning of international trade, a need for standard currency and credit, sound fiscal policy and his abolitionist views of slavery that directly contributed to and greatly influenced the founding and prosperity of our Country. It's a compelling story of adversity and resilience. It's a unique experience that you will never forget.

Book Tour Today

Monday- Sunday 9am & 4pm

$30/pp- 2 hr Walking Tour

Call (340)-690-6960

***24 Hr Advanced Booking Recommended